Friday, October 26, 2007

Cat - Novelty Contact Lenses - Special Eyes for Special Occasions

When the first colored contacts came out around 1983, they were considered a real novelty - a marvel of science. In the years since then, the world of contacts has undergone major changes.

One of these changes is in the market for novelty contact lenses. Color enhancement or color changing is no longer enough. Contact lens wearers are looking to boldly go where no one has ever gone before.

They want to make a statement as well as correct their vision problems.

While some people prefer the blending of colors in the Acuvue Colours Opaques to get the new eye color they are after, others are looking for their eyes to be a bit more eye-catching.

In those cases, companies like Wild Eyes stands ready to supply.

Their special Halloween line is the cat's meow - and the wolf's howl and the banshee's wail for that matter. All manner of eye-popping eye-wear is in the stores this year.

From the cat eye to the star to the insect (yes, there is even a roach design available), the novelty line of color contacts seems to be well stocked. Accessorized Eyewear

While all of Acuvue's offerings are prescription and have some vision correction characteristics, Wild Eye and some of the other novelty lines offer plano (zero correction) lenses.

This puts them square in the forefront of the "accessorizing with eyewear" movement. As this trend continues to mature, there will need to be increased awareness of the fact that anything you put on your eye can create problems.

Proper care must be observed, no matter if your contacts are regular Acuvues meant solely to correct your vision problem or the wildest of the wild eye looks.

If the doctor-suggested hygiene and handling procedures are followed, you will continue to be able to amaze your friends with your new look or your improved vision - or both!

Steve Ecclestone writes for Contact Lens Savers, here you can learn more about Novelty and Halloween contact lenses.

Article Source:

Cat - How To Take Better Kitten Pictures

I compare my kitten with my kids and the love for my kids is equal to the love I have for my kitten, and that is why I make time to take my kitten pictures as my kittens grown into a lovely adult cat.

When anyone visits my home, they notice how well groomed my kitten is, and how well treated, and they also notice the collection of pictures I have of my kitten, I place my kitten pictures all over my home.

Well, this article isn't about me or my kitten, it's about taking better kitten pictures, and here are 5 tips for doing just that:

1. Always try to avoid sudden movements

If you wish to take better kitten pictures, then you should learn not to make any sudden movements and always use better quality high speed film, and use a digital camera with no shutter sound.

2. Lower your camera angle to the height of your kitten

Any kitten picture you wish to take, should be at an angle that is equal to the height of your kitten. This is for much better pictures and also some very cute facial expression that your kitten shows once they start staring down the lens.

3. Always make sure your kitten is well fed

This tip is the most important of all, it is very difficult to take kitten pictures of a hungry kitten, they won't stand still long enough for you to be able to get one shot. That is why it is so important to make sure that the kitten has just been fed, before you try to take any picture of your kitten. Wait at least 15 minutes after the you just fed your kitten. It is also very wise to study your kitten movements, that way you will be sure when you kitten naps, and what time is best to start taking your kitten picture.

4. Always have a couple of their favorite treats on hand

A tip I leant online, was to always have a couple of your kitten favorite treats with you, that way you will give them a treat anytime they start to get rowdy.

5. Try to keep thing simple

The best kitten pictures I have taken was when they least expected it. I try to keep things simple and never ever try to take too many pictures at a time. The kitten will become frustrated and walks away,and it is very difficult after that to get your kitten to stand still for any more pictures.

Now you that you have discovered a couple of my simple trick for taking better kitten pictures, you can visit my website and post those kitten pictures online, so the world can see the love we have for our cats.

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